pinterest ads

Why Pinterest ads should be part of your paid marketing strategy

Why Pinterest ads should be part of your paid marketing strategy

If you already have a blog then you must have already discovered just how powerful Pinterest can be when it comes to promoting your blog posts, products and services, and getting them in front of your target audience. Pinterest is possibly the friendliest social media platform out there, however being successful on Pinterest does require some digging into, especially when you are just starting out, or don’t have that many followers.

As you may have heard, Pinterest changed its feed algorithm recently and is now prioritizing pins which are popular (have lots of saves or repins) to people’s feeds. It’s no longer about who you follow, but quality and popular pins. This makes it harder for new users to tap Pinterest’s wide audience, hence Pinterest ads come into play.

The good news is “sponsored pins” are here to help us get our content or products in front of more people, thus making them more popular. This seems like an ideal scenario, but once your pins are popular enough, it is not so hard for a snowball effect to be created and many other saves or repins will end up making these pins even more popular.
This guide will show you how to get started with Pinterest ads, how to navigate around the Pinterest Ads Manager, as well as tips and tricks for setting up your first campaign. You’ll also learn how to track your campaigns and how to make sure they are bringing in the right results for your blog or website!